Monday, September 28, 2009

Workshop Feedback

Thank you all so much for making this workshop a success. We have gotten lots of positive comments from the folks at Fort Leavenworth. Please send Tom and I your feedback about how we can improve the workshop.

Barbara Barnett


  1. Thanks so much for the opportunity to attend the Fort Leonard Wood portion of the workshop. I really learned a lot! I've been working on post at Fort Leavenworth for two years, and never had the opportunity to watch soldiers in basic training. I know my readers, mostly Army officers, will be very happy to read about the weeklong workshop and how journalists are now better educated about the military.

    Melissa Bower

  2. Feeling empowered, renewed and inspired. What a group: from Bryan's barroom karaoke to Zach's field-score in the fog; from Tom's tumble to Marshall's wild walking weapon; and from Michael Douglas's masterful filming to Toni's chigger-bit ankles. Michelle, stay safe in the Middle East. Hugh, press on, even when things go the wrong way (wink, wink). Jim, keep your head down (or at least covered). Ally, Jenn, Courtney and Will -- party on, soldier on and keep on keepin' on. Lynda, Amy, Tara and Jordy, thanks for the memories. Beverly, see you at the race museum -- in print at least. Oh, and John, take a breather. You deserve it, because you worked double-time. Best to all of you. Honestly, it was more than a blast for this old dame.

  3. I am one of the student in the Command and Staff at Leavenworth. It was good to hear the media perpective and to talk with Jordy. Next time, need to have more time for discussion. In general, good converstation but need to spend more time.
